The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies Midseason Review & Superlatives

Henry L DiMaria
8 min readOct 14, 2021

This past episode of The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies the format completely changed for the remainder of the season so it seemed like the right time to evaluate how Spies, Lies and Allies has been through the first half of the season. As I did for both All Stars & Double Agents I am looking at the positives and negatives in the casting choices, the eliminations & daily challenges, the drama & showmances and the twists & strategy. Then summing up the first half of the season with a grade and some superlatives.

At this point Spies, Lies and Allies has been consistent but lacked some of the highs of other recent seasons.On the negative side strategically this Spies, Lies & Allies has been a bit repetitive, there is a massive veteran alliance working together and last season had the big alliance of Leroy, Darrell, Josh, Fessy, Cory, Nany, Kam, Kaycee, Tori & Aneesa all working together. Also the twist in the game being able to steal partners initially seemed to be exciting but resulted in the veterans being able to keep the veteran’s truce going for far too long. I did love the switch to a teams format but wish they went that direction sooner.

Another unfortunate circumstances that has affected my enjoyment for the second season in a row is how many players have left the game outside the elimination rounds with Nam, Lauren, Aneesa & Fessy all leaving for other reasons. Players leaving outside the elimination rounds always takes away some of the momentum for me. The final big issue I have had this season is the veteran cast. Other than Amanda every single vet was also on last season and 12 of the 16 veterans were on Total Madness also. Resulting in me feeling like this season has been somewhat lacking its own identity.

There have also been a lot of positives this season that have been good or above average. I have been very happy to see a lot of drama and showmances this season which are integral to the show. There has been a lot of drama between Ashley, Nelson & Berna, the infighting between Big Brother with Josh & Amber arguing with Fessy, Kaycee & Esther, the Berna/Emy fighting over CT, and Amanda & Ashley fighting with Cory & Nelson. There have been so many more showmances this season making it feel like people are having fun in the house This season has had so many relationships which the show has been lacking including the sweet relationships like Nany & Kaycee, the chaotic relationships like Amanda & Fessy and the strange relationships like Josh & Esther.

There are two other big improvements this season over the past few seasons, I have found both the rookie cast and the challenges the strongest since at least War of the Worlds. This season we have had the majority of rookies be entertaining and in many cases be able to carry episodes of the season. Ed, Amy, Esther, Priscilla & Emanuel have been very good all season, Hughie, Berna, Corey, Michelle & Logan were all bigger parts of multiple episodes and even some people who had a single stand out episode like Kelz, Tacha & Michaela would be nice to see back. As for the challenges the majority have been good and there have been no dailies that were as completely terrible as the drone challenge from Double Agents or the pool so cold that contestants were peeing in it on Total Madness. I have also been happy to see more variety in the elimination rounds instead of repeating the same one three or four times.

Midseason Grade: B

Spies, Lies & Allies MidSeason Superlatives

Season MVP: Amber Borzotra

Honorable Mentions (Amanda & Josh I can barely believe that either)

Amber was not a huge factor most of last season until it got to the end and she massively proved herself as a competitor in the final. This season she continued to do well in challenges and proved that she could also help carry a season in terms of entertainment. A lot of contestants have seemed to be a focus one episode then not so much the next but Amber was the most consistently involved player for me throughout the season which is particularly surprising since she came in as an alternate. The rest of the season will clearly be someone else with her eliminated but for now she is my MVP.

Rookie of the Season: Emy Alupei

Honorable Mentions (Priscilla Anyabu, Ed Eason, Esther Agunbiade, Emanuel Neagu)

As I mentioned earlier I think the rookies have been a positive for the season overall. Emy particularly has been great she has been entertaining without coming off as fake or forcing it. She has won two eliminations and a daily challenge and integrated herself within a solid alliance. Add onto that great moments like signing her signature in hot sauce, her singing performance at the club and her speech in the deliberation this past episode. Emy stands out in the crowded field as my Rookie of the Season.

Most Surprising Challenger: Esther Agunbiade

Honorable Mentions (Emy Alupei, Ed Eason)

When looking at the international rookies coming on to The Challenge I am often left looking at social media and the show they came from to guess at how well they will do. Esther shocked me this year she came from Big Brother and did not appear overly athletic on Instagram but she won two daily challenges and competed well against a significantly bigger Emy in Hal Brawl.

Most Disappointing Challenger: Nam Vo

Honorable Mentions (Aneesa Ferriera, Fessy Shafaat & Cory Wharton)

Nam was somebody that I felt got a raw deal last season being stuck in a chaotic partnership with Lolo and then injured as soon as he got a new partner. I was excited for him to be back this season but was again disappointed when he left early presumably related to the COVID shut down this season. He is somebody I hope gets a third shot but it is getting less likely after an early unmemorable exit.

Best Daily Challenge: Bombshell Battle

Honorable Mentions (Sea Cave Recon & Mind Field)

A lot of the daily challenges have been good this season with the only two weaker ones Heli Heist & Turning Agents. But I will be honest this is not hard give me a pit full of mud or something like that, a soccer ball and let people wrestle for the win and I am very happy. There should absolutely be a daily challenge like this every season and I was really glad to see it.

Elimination of the Season: Down to the Wire (Hughie & Amber vs Corey & Michelle)

Honorable Mentions (Race to Escape(Jeremiah & Priscilla vs Berna & Hughie) & Hang in the Balance (Bettina & Cory vs Amber & Jeremiah)

This was a really well designed elimination it was physical, involved teamwork and also a puzzle. It also had two great moments happen with Hughie doing the split to get the key he dropped and the fight betwenn himself and Corey. This elimination was also great because it was an upset Corey & Michelle are both strong competitors and seen as a much better team than Hughie who was continually having meltdowns and Amber who most people thought got very lucky to win last season. For me it was the best elimination so far this season.

Best Fight of the Season: Hughie vs Corey during the elimination

Honorable Mentions (Fessy vs Josh, Ashley & Amanda vs Cory & Nelson, Michele vs Michaela)

Keeping on the same theme I thought the fight between Hughie and Corey was the best this season. It was very real and involved complicated things outside of the game with the conversation about the gay men targetting eachother instead of being supportive. It was also crazy for it to be happening during an elimination round. I am glad to see that they have seemingly made up and hope that Corey’s little push does not stop him from getting cast on future seasons.

Showmance of the Season: Kaycee & Nany

Honorable Mentions ( Big T & Logan, Amber & Jeremiah, Fessy & Amanda (purely for the drama) and Tori & Kelz… no wait Ed maybe?? … never mind Michelle is out so Emanuel definitely it was always with Emanuel)

This one was never really that close for me but I was pretty behind Big T & Logan until that ended this past episode. Regardless of the baggage with Kaycee’s Ex it has been a long time since I have seen a couple on The Challenge this infatuated with eachother. I am notably not a big fan of Kaycee and Nany is someone I never loved but they seem so happy together and have both collectively gone up in my eyes seeing scenes of them supporting each other and going on the date together. I am happy to see them still going strong outside of the house.

Best Moment of the Season: Priscilla ending the Vet alliance

Honorable Mentions (Fessy throwing his best friend Josh’s partner Amber in an elimination, TJ dropping the format change after Cory & Bettina’s elimination win)

Through the first half of the season the vet alliance stood true for the most part and it had grown pretty predictable but we finally got what we were waiting for all season when Priscilla (& Jeremiah) broke up the veteran alliance. She broke up a veteran-veteran team making it so there were no rookie-rookie teams moving forward for the house to vote in. Priscilla made the move proudly and was not going to be intimidated by Ashley or Tori trying to convince her otherwise. Even though production changed the format just 2 episodes later it was a big move and my top moment of Spies, Lies & allies so far.



Henry L DiMaria

I blog primarily about The Challenge but occasionally stretch into other reality TV @HenryLDiMaria